Dear colleagues,
The Experimental Cardiology Group is organizing a new edition of the “Laboratory Techniques” workshop in English on 12.07.2024, starting at 18:30, for all students and resident doctors.
During the workshop, participants will acquire essential knowledge for their future careers in research through discussions about:
Laboratory techniques
Molecular methods
Cellular research
You can register by accessing the following link using your institutional email address:
Registration deadline: 11.07.2024, 20:00 or until all available spots are filled.
Location: Str. Pitar Mos, nr. 20
Number of participants: 30 (hybrid)
Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Language: English
Spots will be allocated based on the order of registration.
Mandatory attire: No special equipment required.
Should you have any inquiries regarding this course, please do not hesitate to contact us at heartly.cv@gmail.com .
The Experimental Cardiology Group; This workshop is conducted within the InnovaMed-Praxis project: Integrated platform for advanced medical practice, CNFIS-FDI-2024-0592.